Thursday, November 11, 2021

A Neurologist Friend's Crie de Coeur: "What Is Becoming Of The United States"?

Alan: Short of divine intervention, I do not feel optimistic about the future of the "United" States.

I believe now is a good time to start talking about the division of the United States into two sovereign polities as happened with the swift, bloodless, political subdivision of the Soviet Union following the precipitous collapse of The Iron Curtain.

I realize this proposal sounds shocking and drastic, but America's right-wing is well-armed, crazy, totally self-righteous and itching for a fight.

Indeed, the right-wing's white, "conservative" "Christian" Base is jam-packed with"Armagedddon Cheerleaders" who pray for an eschatological show-down at "The OK Corral."

Compendium Of Best "Pax-Barbaria" Posts About Red State - Blue State Secession 

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