Saturday, October 2, 2021

"What Gives Climate Reporters Hope" - Followup


"What Gives Climate Reporters Hope," Washington Post

Alan: Today's news reports this surprise from Mother Nature.

South Pole Posts Most Severe Cold Season On Record, An Anomaly In A Warming World

When Mother Earth develops a fever...
"Failing Ocean Current Raises Fears Of Mini Ice Age"
New Scientist

Lest we forget...

Ten thousand years ago, the ground we now stand was under a glacier.

When I point this out, I am not advocating "turning it over to Mother Nature."

Rather, we should fight like hell to stabilize planetary ecosystems.

The alternative is to go down the road of Chinese propaganda.

25  years ago, when China began construction of The Three Gorges Dam - now the world's largest single-source of hydroelectric energy -- the Chinese propaganda machine tried to squelch dissent in communities that would be flooded out of existence by arguing (and I paraphrase from memory) "the project would simply restore affected ecosystems to their Ordovician status" (approximately 475 million years ago). 


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