Wednesday, September 29, 2021

How Cops And Citizens Should Handle "Pull Overs": A Dialogue With Frog Hospital's Fred Owens

Alan: During my recent sojourn in Spain (2015 - and again in 2019) I noticed the absence of police patrol cars on Spanish highways. 

Maybe I just didn't see any, but it seems to me they don't use "patrol" cars. 

Nor did I see any "pulled over" vehicles in cities or towns. 

Let's remember the bottom line here. 

"Speed kills" and speeding can be controlled as effectively -- or more effectively - with embedded radar systems that monitor everyone and photograph the license plates of offenders. 

In Spain, there are many well-announced "radar monitoring zones" and it seemed to me that drivers immediately slowed down upon entering them. 

Driving in Europe: Traffic Tickets

It's about this business of traffic tickets when driving in Europe. We use the word 'business' advisedly because, in some cases, that's what it seems to be. The great city of Florence, Italy, for example, rakes in more than 50 million euros each year from traffic tickets, a good percentage of them issued to visitors in European rental cars. But it's not just Florence and Italy. All over Europe authorities are using high tech equipment to catch more violators than ever before. No longer must you be observed breaking the law by a live person, pulled to the side of the road and ticketed. Most tickets are now issued electronically and sent by mail. Sophisticated cameras can now catch drivers speeding, talking on a cell phone, not wearing a seat belt, driving in restricted zones, or even following too closely. And the cameras never get tired or have to stop for coffee. A lot more tickets are being issued. Ten years ago we might get two or three emails or calls per year asking for advice in handling a European traffic ticket. Now it's two or three per week.

On the other hand, we gringos are acculturated to "cops and robbers" - a battle royale between "good guys" and "bad guys" that is as integral to America's gun-slinger "national drama" as the amphitheater in ancient Greece. 

"Just as every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints"
Sympathy For The Devil

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Over-lay this "good guy - bad guy" mythos with conservative Christianity's bedrock passion for punishing evildoers, and it is clear that we train our cops to behave like bullies, who -- knowing they have blanket authorization to act like strutting cocks and to "stand their already-aggressive ground" -- are all trigger happy. 

I will never forget when an armed citizen killed a penny ante robber at a nearby grocery store. 

The community roared its approval. 

What was Yeshua's actual advice to these "good Christians?" 

“If someone takes your coat, let him have your shirt as well." 

Here is the full context from The Gospel of Luke

Where are the biblical literalists when we need them?

What's Wrong With The Abrahamic Religions: 

Americans, Especially Catholics, Approve Of Inquisitorial Torture

Did you see my post from yesterday?

"The Department Of Justice Should Issue Police Hiring Guidelines To Preclude Bigoted Cops"


How often do we really need to "pull people over?"

I suspect "reckless driving" (which includes "DUI") may be the only necessary circumstance.

Everything else can be handled by photo-fining.

And if other infractions actually require "pull-overs," do cops have to get out of their cars?

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Why not devise a "new normal" in which the mere fact of being "pulled over" lets the civilian driver know s/he is, in fact, being ticketed? 

And if she gets out of her car, the fine will triple.

Cops and citizens will both be safer. (Or, do we want the human sacrifice? Does our national identity require the human sacrifice? Same goes for capital punishment...)

Or, perhaps all cars can be fitted with inward-facing cameras so that drivers's faces -- along with licenses and insurance information -- can be easily relayed to the "arresting" officer's car via a local area network with a range of 50 yards. Surely this kind of "cyber-megaphone" is technically do-able.

Given that cell phones with internet capability and built-in cameras can be bought for $20 dollars, my proposal presents neither technological challenge nor prohibitive expense. 

"In The United States Of Barbaria, We Train Our Cops To Kill
... Especially Black People"

Am I missing something?

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