Monday, August 9, 2021

"Sustainable Pension Funds Are 27 (Twenty Seven) Times More Beneficial For The Environment Than Not Flying And Veganism Combined"... With A Wendell Berry Chaser


"Sustainable Pension Funds Are 27 (Twenty Seven) Times More Beneficial For The Environment Than Not Flying And Veganism Combined"

My favorite Wendell Berry quote: “There is also the Territory of historical self-righteousness: if we had lived south of Ohio in 1830, we would not have owned slaves; if we had lived on the frontier, we would have killed no Indians, violated no treaties, stolen no land.  The probability is overwhelming that if we had belonged to the generation we deplore, we too would have behaved deplorably.  The probability is overwhelming that we belong to a generation that will be found by its successors to have behaved deplorably.  Not to know that is, again, to be in error and to neglect essential work, and some of this work, as before, is work of the imagination.  How can we imagine our situation or our history if we think we are superior to it?” 

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