Friday, July 30, 2021

"No, Biden Isn’t A New FDR, And This Isn’t A New Deal Americans Need Perspective On How Transformational Socioeconomic Change Really Needs to Be," By Humair Haque

No, Biden Isn’t a New FDR, And This Isn’t a New Deal

Americans Need Perspective On How Transformational Socioeconomic Change Really Needs to Be

umair haque

There’s a myth taking hold in America: Biden is a new FDR, and his proposals are a new New Deal. The Biden team, of course, is all too happy to let this myth circulate — and pundits, needing a fresh narrative after the disaster of the Trump years, are all too happy to spread it. The fact, though, is that it’s not true.

Eudaimonia and Co

Eudaimonia & Co

umair haque


umair haque


Eudaimonia and Co

Eudaimonia & Co

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