Saturday, March 20, 2021

"There’s A Rise Of Progressive Christians In The U.S." by Nicholas Kristof

March 20, 2021

"There’s A Rise Of Progressive Christians In The U.S." 

Author Headshot

By Nicholas Kristof

Opinion Columnist

Young and middle-aged Americans could be forgiven for thinking that Jesus was a social conservative who denounced gay people and harangued the poor to lift themselves up by their bootstraps, until he was crucified for demanding tax cuts.

That perception might arise because since the 1980s, the most visible Christians have been conservative evangelicals who often emphasize issues that Jesus never explicitly mentioned, such as abortion and homosexuality. But now more progressive Christians are moving onto center stage.

Enter Joe Biden, one of the most religious presidents of the last century, along with Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush. Vice President Harris is a Baptist who says she has regularly attended church. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a Catholic who says her faith inspires her to address health care and climate change. Elizabeth Warren taught Sunday school.

That’s the topic of my column today: the rise of more progressive Christians in the public square, and what this might do to help heal some of the fissures in American society. Check it out.

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