Saturday, January 9, 2021

Friend Marsh's Superb Parody: "The Who Cares Act"

 The Who Cares Act

No free lunch?  There is now.  The "Three Martini Lunch" provision of the new Cares Act lets businessmen write the entire cost of a lunch off their taxes.  Families who might be able to stretch their $600 to include beans and corn bread might be a little dismayed at the thought of some fat cats enjoying caviar, lobster, and sauteed truffles at taxpayer expense, any time they choose.

Is this a big deal?  Not when you look at what else is in the "Pandemic Relief" law... $170 Billion in tax cuts and $135 Billion in tax loopholes to the top 1% (equal to more than $920 for every man, woman and child in the US), more to big corporations and real estate bigwigs (the Trump clan) -- the corporate lobbyists' wish list that "Conservatives" held the Stimulus Bill hostage to, for long months -- help for companies mostly unaffected by the pandemic.

(Please rewrite and resubmit on your own, if so inclined.)

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