Friday, December 25, 2020

Putting The Scum In Scum Bucket: "Trump Pardoned Jared Kushner's Dad Charles, Who Was Convicted Of Tax Crimes, Witness Tampering, And Illegal Campaign Contributions" (With A Prostitute Thrown In For Good Luck)

Image result for pax on both houses, kushner and dad

Trump Pardoned Jared Kushner's Dad Charles, Who Was Convicted Of Tax Crimes, Witness Tampering, And Illegal Campaign Contributions

Excerpt: Alongside 28 other pardons and commutations President Donald Trump granted on Wednesday, Charles Kushner, 66, was given a full pardon.

Charles Kushner was investigated by prosecutors for making illegal campaign donations in 2003, and at the time, his brother-in-law and former business partner William Schulder had assisted prosecutors.

Once Charles learned of Schulder's cooperation, he hired a sex worker to attempt to seduce Schulder. The encounter was recorded with a hidden camera and Kushner delivered the tapes to Schulder's wife as revenge.

In the end, Charles pleaded guilty and was charged with 18 counts of assisting in the filing of false tax returns, one count of retaliating against a federal witness, and one count of lying to the Federal Election Commission. He served a 2-year sentence.

Alan: Trump's pardons are nowhere near as remarkable (or revealing) as the fact that SO MANY people in Trump's inner circle are convicted felons who "need" pardons in the first place. Their life mission is to put the scum in "scum bucket." 

Then, there are tens of millions of Americans -- most of them "good Christians" -- who see these pardons as another reason to sing Trump's praises. 


Giving Trump a mulligan is like giving Larry Nasser a weekend pass to an all girls' gymnastics camp.

Repent! The End Is Near!

Roger Stone: Members Of Trump's Inner Circle Are Unusually Likely To Be Convicted Felons

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