Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Jane Fonda Corrects A Key Mistranslation In "The King James Version"


Alan: According to linguists and biblical scholars, when the word "perfect" is used in the New Testament, the correct translation would read "whole" or "complete."

It's a whole new ballgame.
Happy Birthday, Jane Fonda. I've read so much about Hanoi Jane this morning I want to puke. She is an actress. She went with the USO, like Bob Hope did for years, and she stated what a vast number of Americans were saying. Perhaps she wasn't wise about it, but she did NOT kill POW's, she met with 7 POW's whose identities were well known and didn't need to slip her their SS numbers. There is so much hate based on misinformation, and I studied Vietnam and married one Vietnam era vet and let another stay at my house for years. I know about Vietnam, it is a point of study.
Suzanne Haff and 12 others


  • Yes.. there is definitely a whole lot of hate based on misinformation. That is true of more than just what Jane Fonda has been subject to over the years and if it's true there were any of our guys there who were harmed by an intentional act on her part because of her own willingness to have received propaganda and spread it then she is equally responsible for having opened up a door to an enemy that did that harm. There is such a thing as "treason" and to betray a friend is a serious violation of trust. To betray our own nation, especially those who are fighting to protect and defend us on front lines from the very enemy threatening to destroy us? It seems there was evidence of serious wrong doing and only God knows and sees the intent of anyone's heart. Hatred is a cancer of the soul.
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    • You cannot pretend that John Kennedy Jr. is alive and have any credibility.
      I knew John Kennedy, and he is dead.
      If you had known him, you would have hated him - quite likely more than Hillary Clinton.
      Furthermore, John would have been singled out by QAnon as belonging to the same cabal as blood sacrifice child killers Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey.
      That you believe this nonsense calls into question all your other beliefs.
      As in the past, my comments won't matter to you.
      In fact, you are overwhelmingly likely to double down with another dose of bullsh*t
      But remember, Karen...
      Your bullsh*t does matter to "The Way, THE TRUTH and The Light."
      It matters just as your support for the world's most prominent -- and most ardent -- advocate of money-loving greed -- "the root of all evil" -- matters.
      "Truth Treason And Trump (This Is A Long Read But The Opening Meme Expresses The Essence)"
      Truth, Treason And Trump (This Is A Long Read But The Opening Meme Expresses The Essence)
      Truth, Treason And Trump (This Is A Long Read But The Opening Meme Expresses The Essence)
      Truth, Treason And Trump (This Is A Long Read But The Opening Meme Expresses The Essence)
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