Friday, September 18, 2020

PBS Frontline: "The Choice, 2020: Trump Versus Biden" Broadcasts On September 22nd, Followed By Free Streaming On Frontline's Website



"The Choice, 2020: Trump v. Biden" broadcasts September 22nd and will be available for online viewing shortly thereafter.

The following promo links to a trailer.

If you wish to avoid my political commentary, please leave now.


My editorial reflection...

In the main, only educated people are capable of taking a balanced view like the analytical framework set forth by "The Choice." (I believe it is a measure of educated people to be able to "imagine" political enemies from their enemies' point of view.)

On most days, I am in direct communication with Trump supporters, among them apocalyptic "Armageddon cheerleaders" deeply immersed in QAnon.

And so, I have daily opportunity to observe that these folks are incapable of taking a balanced view - even as an academic exercise. (This is not surprising since they are contemptuous of academic learning and consider people like me intellectually elite assholes, supporters of The Deep State who are bringing wrack and ruin upon America.)

Notably, devout Trumpistas are unable to say anything good about their political adversaries. 

By way of contrast, I have written and posted the following essays.

"I Applaud Donald Trump"

Spot-On Truth-Teller Donald Trump: The Most Important Thing Said At The Republican Candidates' Debate

It is a fact, plain as potatoes, that Trump's avid followers believe he can do NO wrong.

In the view of his devotees, Trump comes very close to being a surrogate Messiah - at least John the Baptist "paving the way."

When Trump supporters in my social circle are also white Christian conservatives, they cannot wait for people on the left side of the aisle -- the "baby killers" -- to go to Hell.

Their giddiness at the prospect of our eternal torment submerged in a Lake of Unquenchable Fire is palpable.  

And so, there is no room for compromise. 

Who, in their right mind, would compromise with "a baby killer," or pedophiles like Tom Hanks, Hillary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey who sell child sex slaves, kill infants and drink their blood?

Will no one stand up for Western Civilization?

Where are the righteous militias?

By way of contrast, Obamacare (the enduring bête noire of American conservatives) was jammed with voluntary compromise -- if not outright surrender -- orchestrated by a concessionary president whose stated preference was for "single payer healthcare." (In 2014, Reagan advisor Bruce Bartlett published an accurate article in The American Conservative: "Obama Is A Republican." )


No compromise... no functioning democracy.


Or the end is near.


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