Tuesday, September 29, 2020



"Fuck This Guy! I’m Going To Hit Him." 
Dash-cam video shows officers tried to run over man before shooting him 14 times

(See pertinent links below.)

Dear Maria and Danny,

The Quora article at the bottom of this email reminds me of an important "living under fascism" update.

It is worth having a relationship with an attorney - however superficial - so you can always contact a lawyer wherever you happen to be living.

For example, I would call on Lonnie or Sam Coleman, or Sarah Carr (my former student... and Tom Carr's daughter). 
Ask your friends if they recommend an attorney, then call him/her and let them know that you would like to be added to their list of clients since you intend to use them if you ever get in a jam or need legal assistance.

If the "fascist-racist-dictator-who-will-trash-the-United-States-and-deliberately-cause-damage-to-everyone-he-considers-an-enemy" wins in November -- and you plan to take part in street protests -- "hooking up" with a lawyer as a preventive measure will be more important than ever.

Maria, I located this criminal law firm through YELP. They seem to be a good place to start. https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/brown-bradshaw-and-moffat-llp-salt-lake-city-2

Danny, here's a YELP criminal law recommendation for Colorado Springs. https://www.yelp.com/biz/law-office-of-jeremy-loew-colorado-springs?osq=attorney

As I write this, I'm having a bizarre, unsettling realization.

Apparently, it's time for white parents to start giving their kids "the talk" that used to be necessary only for black parents and their children.

That said, I firmly believe The Law will protect you. But you need to know how to use the law to your advantage.

Never forget. 

In The United States Of Barbaria, we train our cops to be trigger happy. 

Furthermore, American law is VERY CLEAR -- it couldn't be clearer -- that property is more important than people -- much more important -- and, not-surprisingly our poorly trained police seem much more at home with exacerbation-and-escalation than peacemaking and de-escalation.

And as we know from Barbaria's "stand your ground" laws, Americans in general, and cops in particular, are FULLY AUTHORIZED to murder suspects "on suspicion alone." 

In Barbaria, you only have to "feel" threatened, and BLAM, you've got a license to kill. 

However, if a black man who's getting randomly roughed up by a bloodthirsty cop decides to kill that cop in REAL self-defense, that black guy is shit outta luck.


"The Deadly Oppression Of Black People: Best Pax Posts"


American Police Shoot An Unarmed Black Man Every 72 Hours
(Taking police and vigilante shootings together, we find that an unarmed black man gets shot every 29 hours.)

Diane Rehm Guest Gets To The Nub Of Police Violence And How Easily It's Prevented

In The United States Of Barbaria, We Train Our Cops To Kill

How Cops And Citizens Should Handle Pullovers

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Miscarriage Of Justice And Misplaced Punishment

There's Never Been A Safer Time For Cops Nor A More Dangerous Time For Criminals


Americans Are 9 Times More Likely To Be Killed By A Policeman Than A Terrorist

American Cops Fire More Bullets At One NYC Man Than All German Cops Fire In A Year

1 Small Town's Cops Have Killed More People Than Combined Police Of Germany And U.K.

I was stopped once by an arrogant young cop for admittedly speeding, 10 mph over the speed limit. I pulled over, my daughter and her friends in the back seat. I gave him my license and registration after he asked for them. I didn’t say a word to him.

He went back to his car and returned in several minutes and told me to have the girls step out to the sidewalk and for me to step out to the side of the vehicle. I complied. Never argue. Only after I complied I asked why? He said he “smelled marijuana.” They love to use that one now.

He asked me where we were coming from. I replied, “Officer, I am willing to comply fully in answering any questions, but request that my attorney be present.” The reason I stated that? First, I am willing to comply and obey. Second, I want my witness. Anything he does at that point, search, seizure, my attorney will have a better chance kicking it out.

He asked again where we were coming from. I replied again, “Officer, I am willing to comply fully in answering any questions, but request that my attorney be present.” He didn’t like the answer and told me to stand by the front of his squad car.

He then read me my rights. I suppose he was trying to intimidate me and asked again where we were coming from. I replied, “Officer, I am willing to comply fully in answering any questions, but request that my attorney be present.”

He could have handcuffed me, hauled me into jail. For what? I couldn’t care less. I didn’t do anything wrong and when a bad cop lies and tells me he “smelled marijuana,” I’ll take my chances with my attorney, not a bad cop.

The real point is don’t argue with a cop, even if you’re right. Don’t answer a cop with respect to who, what, where, when and how. Only if you have your license and registration or you don’t.

And really, it doesn’t matter if the cop is good or bad. Their job isn’t to stop and find innocent civilians, their job is to stop guilty ones.

If you’re not guilty, act like it. I wasn’t afraid to respond as I did and I wasn’t afraid to be arrested, because I was innocent.

My daughter and friends were 15 years old at the time, great kids. We all got back in the car and went home. Paid my attorney $75 to handle the ticket, no points, case dismissed.

But just don’t answer questions, you could say something taken out of context.

Ever watch “My Cousin Vinny”? Perfect example. When Bill Gambini and his friend were arrested, he didn’t know the clerk had been shot dead at the store they had earlier left. They were arrested and Bill thought it was for the can of tuna he had stuffed in his jacket forgetting to take it out at the register.

When the sheriff questioned him at the station and finally asked, “At what point did you shoot the clerk?” It dawned on Billy that he was there for a much greater reason than the theft of a can of tuna.

He responded in shock, “Whoa…I shot the clerk? I shot the clerk?”

The sheriff at the trial had his notes on the stand and read what Billy had said, stating, “The defendant stated, ‘I shot the clerk. I shot the clerk.”

It is the most perfect example of why one should never, ever answer a police officer’s question.

Btw, if you’ve never seen the movie, you need to. It’s one of the great comedies of all time. :-)

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