Sunday, August 23, 2020

Taking A Deep Dive Into Friend David's QAnon-Influenced Trumpista Poppycock

1 Comment


  • Here is my original reply to David.
    If you read your own post David, you will discover that it exhibits a form of fundamental deception that is commonplace on the right side of the aisle.
    The following article (embedded in "Watching Violence In Black And White") "proves" that blacks are killed equally by "white officers" AND "black officers."
    However, your posted article does NOT prove what the author intimates, i.e., that whites are killed by American police at a HIGHER RATE than blacks.
    That is a lie.
    And it is a particularly diabolical lie (as are many right-wing lies) because it uses deliberately shifty data.
    The fact that more whites are being killed overall is because there are far more whites than blacks.
    But "the CHANCES of being killed" are at least 2.8 times higher if you're black.
    Here is that pertinent (and deliberately deceptive) article embedded in "Watching Violence In Black And White":
    If you wish to escape the "bad data" traps that dependably capture Trump supporters, you will have to learn some statistical science in order to separate 1.) "anecdotes," 2.) "exceptions-to-rules," 3.) "confoudning variables" and 4.) commonplace confusion concerning "absolute numbers" and "numerical rates" from the statistical noise, misleading innuendo and brazen lies that comprise The Right-Wing Noise Machine.
    Lamentably, I learned a hard lesson from ex-con friend Georgie who, decades ago, was imprisoned at Attica for attempted murder.
    After years of fact-checking Georgie's forwarded "right-wing emails" (just like I'm now fact-checking for you) which is to say, after years of "correcting" right wing lies, Georgie finally confided: "You know Alan, I admit that you mostly prove I'm factually wrong. But I like being partly right."
    It is conservatives' fondness for finding a few contrarian facts or anecdotes that seemingly justify their ideological obsessions which makes them settle for falsehood over truth.
    Y'all like being "partly right" - and that makes you substantively wrong.
    You and your fellows have learned how to trick others into thinking that what you say is true -- and you've even learned how to trick yourselves into thinking that what you say is true.
    But although there are lies and deceptions on "both sides of the aisle," falsehood in all its forms are nearly ubiquitous among Trumpista conservatives. Just as falsehood oozes like sludge from the open sewer of Trump's mouth.
    The situation is analagous to conservative pundit P.J. O'Rourke's rationale for supporting Hillary in 2016: "Conservative Icon P.J. O'Rourke Explains Why He Voted For Hillary Despite Her Being Abominable"
    White police officers are not more likely to shoot minorities
    White police officers are much more likely to shoot minorities.
    White police officers are not more likely to shoot minorities
    White police officers are not more likely to shoot minorities

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