Wednesday, August 12, 2020

San Francisco Public Defender: "I Worked With Kamala Harris. She Was The Most Progressive DA In California"

(L) VP Nominee, Senator Kamala Harris, (R) Veteran San Franciso Public Defender, Niki Solis
Niki Solis has been a Bay Area public defender for well over two decades. A proud, self-proclaimed progressive, Solis has a history of going head to head with Kamala Harris.
Predictably, the Trump campaign is already busy attempting to brand Biden’s VP pick as a radical leftist. Ironically, the most unrelenting criticism of the California Senator, ex-California Attorney General has consistently come from the left. While innumerable former AGs and prosecutors — most of them white men — have ridden their law-and-order bonafides to the upper echelons of political success, tough-on-crime credentials have fallen out of vogue amongst progressive Democrats. Still, Niki Solis could no longer abide the sniping Senator Harris has been receiving from her fellow progressives.
“I grappled with this idea of defending a former prosecutor for a long time,
Solis writes.
“But I have to say what I feel is right to set the record straight on Harris.”
Solis’s op-ed piece, published in USA Today on August 10, the day before Biden announced his VP choice, is entitled... 
I worked with Kamala Harris. She was the most progressive DA in California.
Succinctly, Solis breaks rank to obliterate the myth that, as SF DA and CA AG, Kamala Harris was just another intransigent, ideological top cop, pushing to rack up convictions and maximum sentences for political gain. Conversely, Solis describes a compassionate, objective professional who refused to seek the death penalty — even when police officers were the victims — and reduced drug charges whenever possible.  
Harris co-founded the Coalition to End the Exploitation of Kids, spearheaded efforts to end trafficking of young girls, and stopped prosecutions for prostitution. Harris supported second-chances for young felons, diversion, and jobs with the Back on Track program. As Attorney General, Ms. Harris won billions for victims of fraudulent home loans, while adhering to progressive policies that have since become mainstream.
We have a crime king-pin, wanna-be dictator in the Oval Office. What better time could there possibly be to have a skilled, fearless prosecutor on the ticket, someone fully capable of holding this mafia administration’s feet to the flames?
We cannot afford to allow leftist purity testing of our VP nominee to divide the Democratic effort to rid this nation of the most corrupt, dishonest, inept president in the history of this nation.
Thank you, Niki Solis, for stepping up.
Support Biden/Harris 2020. The future depends on it

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