Monday, August 31, 2020

Letter To Frog Hospital's Fred Owens About Conservatives Determination Cheat And Lie Because "POWER IS EVERYTHING"


Dear Fred,

Elaine's disclaimer in ALL CAPS is revealing.

She claims she doesn't have time to fact check the quotes she circulates - maybe one quote per week.

She could fact check every quotation she circulates - literally in a minute or two.

But what Elaine does is to supply herself with a rationale for circulating any goddamn thing, knowing that a significant number of things she circulates will work to her political advantage by virtue of ringing mendacious bells and false alarms. 

For example, I don't have time to fact check the following quotation by Donald Trump: "Okay, I admit it. I'm a liar. I'm a cheat. I'm a traitor and I'm a thief. And I disdain my Base even more than Howard Stern says I do. But before I step outside to shoot a random pedestrian on 5th Avenue -- without losing any voters -- tell me: "What are you gonna do?" Vote for Biden? Not vote at all so that demented Biden wins, black terrorists take over your suburban neighborhood and MS-15 gang members get YUGE, no-interest loans to move in next door?" 

(BTW... If you haven't listened to Howard Stern lambaste his former pal, it's worth a minute:

Once you ring a bell, it can't be un-rung. 

"American" "conservatives" take FULL advantage of this fact.

It has taken me a long time to accept full realization that these ass-licking sludge-suckers actually believe that "If you're not cheating, you're not trying your hardest to win.

And winning is EVERYTHING.

Image result for pax on both houses, buchanan  

Republican Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan "Summarizes The Republican Philosophy"

I realize that many of these smiley-faced mini-Satans have been unconsciously conditioned to prize deviousness and mendacity. 

Well, okay. 

Adios, democracy.


But it is still true that American "conservatives" have become so acclimatized to lying -- and so craven "around" the political advantage of continual mendacious misrepresentation -- that I am confident (not certain, but confident) that Elaine would rationalize prolonging her provably misleading behavior because she can tell herself that "she's offering a disclaimer."

The dumb-fucks don't give a shit about disclaimers.

Dumb-fucks only care about the red-meat in QAnon's latest "drop."

QAnon Thinks Donald Trump Is God And Tom Hanks Is The Devil... And Oprah Is Part Of A Vast Hollywood Conspiracy That Kills - And Eats - Children. (I Am Not Kidding)

So, here I am, working on an emotionally difficult, ever-proliferating essay about American conservatism's deliberately SHITTY epistemology and non-existent intellectual rigor, and, out of the blue, Elaine (for whom I have warm feelings) dumps another turd at my door. 
I will send you a link when my work-in-progress is done.

For now, here is some pertinent material.

Republicans Generally - And Trump Specifically - Are EAGER To Lie And Cheat If It Expands Their Power

Pax et amore 


PS I admit to being overly hard on Elaine, but when even one's "friends" yearn for the demolition of democracy, and its replacement by red-neck, racist theocracy, we've got a problem Houston.


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