Thursday, July 30, 2020

Reasons Not To Splinter November's Vote: If Trump Wins, It's Game Over: Swing Wide The Door To Corporatist Fascism

Pax on both houses: January 2020
Alan: My practical political philosophy has served me well and seems especially pertinent in this electoral season.
The only thing I try to ensure with my vote is that manifestly bad people not win office.
It is true that I hope for more than keeping the crazies out.
But on those occasions when real progress and actual goodness manifest, I consider such outcomes to be so much gravy, NOT entitlements.
No matter what else you have in mind when you cast your ballot, vote in such away that you maximize the likelihood of sane people being elected while wacko alternatives are defeated.
The American constitution was written to ensure that the nation's fundamentally oligarchic will would be imposed upon the democratic trappings.
We are at a linchpin moment, and if Biden wins there will be real opportunity -- for the first time in American history -- for the democratic impulse to put the oligarchs in their place.
If Trump wins, it's game over.
Swing wide the door to corporatist fascism.

Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'LE , -I IC'


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