Saturday, May 4, 2024

"Trump's Virtues" is an evangelically pro-Trump promotional video financed and narrated by billionaire financier, Thomas D. Klingenstein. Klingerstein is putting more money into the 2024 campaign than any other single individual


"Trump's Virtues" is an evangelically pro-Trump promotional video financed and narrated by billionaire financier, Thomas D. Klingenstein, who is putting more money into the 2024 campaign than any other single individual.

Mr. Klingenstein, who inherited his parents' fortune -- and then proceeded to expand his personal wealth through successful investment within his own self-founded company -- refers to Trump as "inconceivable in any other time" in American history.

That said, Klingenstein also asserts that the ex-president is perfectly (maybe even "providentially" suited) to be the Republican presidential candidate in these turbulent times.

Klingenstein champions Trump unabashedly, without the slightest recognition that it is Trump - and his lickspittle suck-ups - who have created the turbulence which Klingenstein now says only Trump can calm by becoming the next president of the United States.

It is similarly ironic that Klingenstein calls for a halt to the "immigration of people" who "do not share American values," even though his own ancestors recently migrated to the United States from a culture that is notably divergent from traditional white-European descended America.

Personally I think that Catholocism and other Christian sects should become scions of Judaism (as they were during the first century and a half of what used to be called "the Christian Era" although one seemingly insurmountable stumbling block to this reunion is the bedrock Jewish belief that "the messiah will be a man, and in no way exhibit the nature of a God/god."

At this historical moment however -- and rather unlike America's Jewish community (which I admire much more than I do the sorry state of America's Christian communities) -- latino immigrants happen to be exceptionally devout Christians who embody the work ethic that many (and probably most) white European descended Americans have lost.

Indeed, a hugely disproportionate amount of the "bootstrap uplift" currently observable in these "United" States (which Republicans and other conservatives have worked vigorously -- and anti-democratically -- to dis-"unite") is now performed by latinos.

If my prediction is right, it will be latinos' passion for hard work and latinos' "non-negotiable primacy/centrality of family and family life" (which America's atomized nuclear families have failed to nourish) that will save America... if indeed our body politic is to achieve salvation.

The largely uneducated, profoundly aggrieved, Big Lie whiners who continue to support Trump -- no matter what! -- are simply not up to the task of saving America - nor are they likely to save themselves for that matter.

So, as has happened throughout history, those who have assumed the mantle of whiny grievance, while simultaneously falling prey to compulsive falsehood, have recently (let's say on-or-about 2015) become fascists and neo-fascists who turned into the spinelesss and seditious (if not traitorous) authoritarian absolutists in their fey hope that the Republican Party would save them... mostly from themselves.

Below, you can listen to Klingenstein's 9 minute pitch for the justification-validation-and-implementation of fascism.

Please let me know what you think.


Trump’s ‘Virtues’ and Other Fairy Tales

Sad, sorry, sickening sycophantism from the Claremont Institute board chairman.

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