Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Compendium Of Best Pax-Barbaria Posts About Education: Only Widespread Education Can

 Pax on both houses: Kennedy On The Linchpin Responsibility Of The ...

Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts On The Cornerstone Necessity Of Education

How To Save "Conservative" "Christians" From Themselves: An Experiment In Reading About Notable Human Beings

Education Or Catastrophe (With Special Emphasis On The Teaching Of History)

Compendium Of Best Pax-Barbaria Posts On Education (With A Failsafe Proposal For National Restoration)

A BRILLIANT Animation About German Lutheran Pastor Deitrich Bonhoeffer (Hung For His Role In A Plot Against Hitler) Who Concluded That 'Stupidity Is More Difficult To Remedy Than Malice'

Native America: Why Don't Middle School And High School American History Texts Tell The Truth?

"Thanksgiving": One Person's Justification For Thieving Genocide Is Another Person's Rage At Being Ripped Off And Mass Murdered

"The Rotting Of The Republican Mind"
David Brooks

Teaching Civics And American History: Humankind's Race Between Education And Catastrophe

"The Paranoid Style In American Politics," The Definitive Essay By Richard Hofstadter

A Majority Of Republicans Hold Negative Views About Higher Education

 Two Full Years Of American History Taught Dialectically Is The Swiftest, Surest Path To Restoration Of Social And Political Health In The American Body Politic

History As Bullshit - And What We Can Do About It: ""Human History Becomes More And More A Race Between Education And Catastrophe"

"A Failsafe Way To Restore Integrity And Vigor To America's Sick Body Politic: Two Years Of American History - Taught Dialectically - As A Pre-Requisite For High School Graduation"


Education, "Official Story" Deception, And Pressing Need For A New Way To Teach American History: Democracy's Survival In The Lurch

Compendium Of Best "News From Barbaria" Posts Concerning Democracy - And The Indispensable Role Played By Education In The Survival And "Thrival" Of Democracy

The Swiftest, Most Efficacious Way To Restore Integrity And Vigor To America's Sick Body Politic: 
Two Years Of American History - Taught Dialectically - Will Be A Pre-Requisite For High School Graduation
(Here's How It Works...)

Reprise: Trump Is The Symptom Of A Broken Educational System. (Howard Zinn Is The Fix)

"How To Make Lasting Political Progress"
(Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler, Teaches Us To Win It All Through Our Persistent Determination To Keep On Losing)


"I shouted out 'Who killed The Kennedy's, when after all it was you and me.'"

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