Friday, April 28, 2023

Taxes Are The Price We Pay For Civilization


Dear Willard,

It is factual and well-argued, at least in light of the author's perception of objectivity and subjectivity.

However, I do not agree with the contextualization of the author's perception.

If you only have time to look at one article (of those I've pasted below), I encourage you to peruse the first of them. (The second article - which I have sent before - is also an eye-opener concerning the history of the income tax which American legislators agreed -- when the income tax was first launched - that it would NEVER be paid but by The Top 4%.)

The New Testament Parable Of "The Widow's Mite," Relativity, Perfection And Contextualization: "The Chances Of A Refugee-Terrorist Killing An American Are 3.6 Billion To 1"

 Image result for pax on both houses, ben franklin taxes

Ben Franklin On "No New Taxes" (And Other Taxation Surprises)

However, I am also convinced (quite likely in keeping with your CNN author's own sentiments) that Uncle Sam's allocation of resources is often dubious, if not outrageous (whether we consider certain social benefits or Defence allocation), and that one way to remedy/mitigate ineffective/counterproductive social benefits would be to launch a new-and-improved Universal Draft. Here's how a better Universal Draft (or, more accurately, "Obligatory National Service" might work: 

"Good Ideas For The Body Politic" - A Distillation Of My Activist Thinking


What it takes to be in America's top 1%

Billionaire Nick Hanauer's TED Talk: "Capitalism's Dirty Little Secret"

"The Rich Plunder The Poor, Then Pile The Blame On The Dispossessed"

The Original And Enduring Conspiracy: It's About Keeping The Filthy Rich, Filthy Rich

Billionaire Nick Hanauer: "The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure"

Que tengas un día muy lindo!



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