Monday, October 24, 2022

Facebook Exchange With "Christian" "Conservative" Trump Cultist Friend, Karen K

  • Alan Archibald
    It is an open question to ask: "Who Kills More Babies? Pro-Birth People? Or Pro-Choice People?"
    And there you are -- an ardent critic of the papacy -- pontificating like the most presumptuous pope ever.
    You drone on about Truth, Karen, but it seems to me you are interested in any truth that might contradict your beliefs.
    Here's the deal: "Beliefs" are "beliefs," and one's "faith" is one's "faith."
    What makes you think you're so special that you are -- always and everywhere -- able to proclaim Absolute Truth?
    It seems to me you're nose-deep in hubris.
    We have faith.
    We have hope.
    But without charity ,we are noise machines, no matter how passionately -- or how frequently -- we declare ourselves to be "in the know."
    At the end of his life, Jesus himself wondered if he had been forsaken.
    Was he just "kidding around?"
    Or was he expressing a real doubt, born of the impossibility to KNOW FOR SURE.
    Two of Christianity's three central virtues are Faith and Hope.
    And both these virtues are full-on acknowledgements that we do not know - that we cannot know with absolute certitude what goes on in the mind and heart of God.
    Instead, we have faith and we have hope, neither of which is sufficient for you.
    Rest assured that the most accessible way to feel certain of one's salvation -- a quest that has long impressed me as self-seeking -- is to "feel saved" not by repeating cerebral beliefs and credos, but by dedicating oneself entirely to love - love that requires NO proof that the recipient of our love (or of God's love) is worthy. 
    • None of us is entitled to believe that we are "absolutely right."
    Who Kills More Babies? Pro-Birth People? Or Pro-Choice People? (Ted Cruz Says ALL GOP Senators Knew Trump Was Guilty In His First Impeachment Trial)
    Who Kills More Babies? Pro-Birth People? Or Pro-Choice People? (Ted Cruz Says ALL GOP Senators Knew Trump Was Guilty In His First Impeachment Trial)
    Who Kills More Babies? Pro-Birth People? Or Pro-Choice People? (Ted Cruz Says ALL GOP Senators Knew Trump Was Guilty In His First Impeachment Trial)
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  • Alan Archibald
    The most accessible way to feel certain of one's salvation -- a quest that has long impressed me as self-seeking -- is to "feel saved" not by repeating cerebral beliefs and credos, but by dedicating oneself entirely to love - love that requires NO proof that the recipient of our love (or of God's love) is worthy.
    Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong
    Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong
    Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong
    Fr. Thomas Merton Explains -- In 16 Words -- Why "Christian" "Conservatives" Are Always Wrong
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