Monday, August 22, 2022

Trying To Persuade A Trumpista Friend That She Has Her Head Up Her Arse


Dear Elaine,

Thanks for your email.

The walls are caving in on Trump and his extraordinarily well-defended "code of silence" mob.

I realize the email below (from a life-long friend and native New York Trump observer) will have little - if any - impact on you, but I put it out there if only because the following memes are increasingly true.


"Compendium Of Best Pax Posts On Trump, Toxic Christianity And Cruelty As A Moral Obligation"
Lies As The Newly-Fabricated Gold Standard For "Truth"


"The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions" And The "Mobocratic Spirit" That Will Destroy Them: Abraham Lincoln's Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, January 27, 1838 

Dear A

I have never heard of anyone attesting to his generosity. 

Quite the opposite. 

Trump And The Truth: His Charitable Giving
The New Yorker

There are many examples of his announcing large donations to various causes, making a big display of the the donation and then never actually giving it.

One was to a veterans charity. They had to pursue delivery of his claimed donation.

Another was a children charity when he pushed his way on to a stage of large donors and took credit for a donation he never gave.

Then there is his foundation were he used it's money to buy his own portrait at it's charity auction so he could place it front and center at Mar a Largo.

He's notorious for stiffing charities with his generous donations.

The list goes on. 

Most of the people in his own circle remark on how cheap he is.



Trump is observing this Independence Day by throwing another one of his infantile distemper tantrums. This one comes in a burst of petulant rage that has surely been aggravated by the accumulating evidence of his criminality being presented by the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection that he incited.

RELATED: The Crimes Trump Can (Should) Be Indicted For Now, According to Watergate Prosecutor and Others

The multi-post tirade that Trump hammered out on his Twitter clone website, TRUTH Social (that is both failing financially and flailing legally), was rife with his tediously repetitious whining and insults stemming from his delusions of victimhood. If nothing else, Trump has affirmed his place in history as America's biggest crybaby.

The rants that Trump posted cover a narrow range of topics mainly devoted to his "Big Lie" that the 2020 presidential election was 'rigged" and "stolen" from him. Never mind that after 20 months, and sixty court challenges, he has failed to produce a shred of evidence. What follows are some of his key points, with reality-based annotations:

Trump began by assailing the Republican vice-chair of the Committee as "despicable human being Liz Cheney." As usual, he is incapable of factually rebutting anything that she has said, so he resorts to childish name-calling.

He complained that "HER Fake Unselect Committee may recommend CRIMINAL CHARGES against" him. If he really believes the Committee is "fake," then why is he so worried about the charges?

He repeated his ridiculous boast that he "got more votes than any sitting President." So what? He also got fewer votes than Joe Biden. You know, the winner. And both candidates got large vote totals because the population - and the electorate - are bigger.

He's thinks the Committee should "press charges instead against those that cheated on the Election." They would if that weren't a figment of his perverse imagination. He's tried dozens of times to assert his cheating claim in court. And he lost every case, even those with Republican judges.

Returning to his name-calling, Trump lashed out at "the highly partisan Unselect Committee of political Thugs." Of course, the Committee has two very conservative Republicans. Although there is a partisan aspect to the witnesses who have testified against him. They are all Republicans.

Naturally, he had to unleash his objections to the "Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax # 2, the 'No Collusion' Mueller Report and, overall, the GREATEST WITCH HUNT IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA." True to form, everything that Trump doesn't like is either a hoax or a witch hunt.

He wants the Committee to "go after the people who have been rioting." That's exactly what the Department of Justice is doing. In fact, some 800 of them them have already been arrested for storming Congress and trying to overthrow the government, at Trump's behest.

Then he adds "No, let’s get 'Trump'!" Don't worry, Donald, they'll get around to you. Also, why do you put your own name in quotes, as if it's a fictional reference?

Finally, Trump says that "none of these terrible events would have happened if I were President!!!" First of all, it's good to see him admit that he is not president. But it's preposterous for him to claim that the events he's griping about, most of which he is responsible for, wouldn't have happened were he still occupying the White House. And he was responsible for many other horrendous events when he was there as well.

And that was Trump's 4th of July message to America. That was what his glassy-eyed cult disciples regard as a patriotic address

On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 11:36 AM EK wrote:

Actually, I do not understand your (and others') obsession with Trump. He is not the president.

I am not focused on "Trump's insults" and I'm not proclaiming innocence when it comes to his "offenses." They do not concern me

What I DO know is that before Biden took over, we could afford gasoline, our grocery shelves were fully stocked, and the border area around here was relatively safe.

What I AM concerned about is what has happened to us under Biden.

That is my focus.


On 2022-07-05 15:01, Alan Archibald wrote:

Dear Elaine,
It happens to be true.
Not always.
But most often.
If you need to hermetically seal yourself in the self-certain conviction that Trump exemplifies the "fruits of the spirit," so be it.
Even so, you happen to be wrong.
It would be useful to me -- and it would be useful to you -- if you were to engage me in argument, citing specific reasons why I am wrong, rather than draping yourself in a mantle of offended innocence. 
Notably, you (and most other Trump followers) have no difficulty forgiving Trump every one of his insults, even though his insults are legion and without foundation.

The Complete List of Trump's Twitter Insults (2015-2021) › trump-complete-insult-list
Jan 19, 2021 — This list documents all the verbal attacks Mr. Trump posted on Twitter, from when he declared his candidacy in June 2015 to Jan.

  • Five Years, Thousands of Insults: Tracking Trump's Invective › Trump-twitter-insults-list
    Jan 26, 2021 — When Donald J. Trump was a long-shot presidential candidate, regularly tweeting unexpected insults at people, places and things, Kevin Quealy ...

Memorable Donald Trump boasts, insults and untruths › ... › United States & Canada
Nov 8, 2020 — Donald Trump will be a one-term president after Joe Biden defeated him in the 2020 election. Here's a recap of some of Trump's most ...

Insult after insult: All of Trump's ugly campaign ... - Mashable

The rise of Donald Trump from reality TV show host to the Republican nominee for president has been fueled by his inflammatory rhetoric and its viral spread ...

The complete list of Trump's Twitter insults (2015-2021)

This list documents all the verbal attacks Trump posted on Twitter, from when he declared his candidacy in June 2015 to Jan. 8, when Twitter permanently ...
"How Sad It Must Be For Trump Supporters To Believe That Scientists, Scholars, Teachers And Journalists Have Devoted Their Entire Lives To Deceiving You, While A Reality TV Star With Decades Of Fraud And Documented Lying Is Your Only Beacon Of Truth And Honesty" 

How Do We Know What We Think We Know? "Sound Thinking Is An Acquired Skill, Seldom Possessed By Trump Followers" (Trump Followers Confuse Opinionization With Thinking. In Fact, They Are Too Stupid To Know They're Stupid.)

Compendium Of Pax-Barbaria Posts Describing Christianity's Collapse 


The U.S. Supreme Court Is No Longer An Honorable Institution. Its 6 Person Conservative Majority Is More Closely Affiliated With Theocratic Impulses Than Democratic Ones. And "Christian" "Conservatives" (Who Are Neither) Love It!

On Tue, Jul 5, 2022 at 3:29 PM Elaine Kolodziej <> wrote:

Thanks for your insult: 

How Do We Know What We Think We Know? "Sound Thinking Is An Acquired Skill, Seldom Possessed By Trump Followers" (Trump Followers Confuse Opinionization With Thinking. In Fact, They Are Too Stupid To Know They're Stupid.)


While many are focused intently on preventing Trump from running again, they seem unconcerned about the Biden ties with Ukraine and Russia.

Oh well. :)

Elaine Kolodziej

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On 2022-07-01 22:22, Alan Archibald wrote:

Dear Elaine
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, many people attest to Donald Trump's personal generosity.
But many more attest to having been ripped off by him.
Innumerably more.
These ripoffs have been so substantial that the ex-President offered to pay a settlement of tens of millions of dollars (far more than the total contribution of his personal generosity) in order to avoid felony charges that would have ruined his 2015 presidential campaign, and quite likely put him in prison (as would have happened with you or me).
You can read about this one small component of Donald Trump's criminality at the following link:
One of the things that Fred and I learned at the University of Toronto was the indispensable role played by examining reality in rich contextualization with as few ideological blinders as possible.
In fact, "the fullness of truth" only emerges when embedded in rich contextualization.
"Cherry-picking" uncontextualized "shards" of truth is a certain path to self-deception.
It is Trump's unprecedented mastery of decontextualizing "miniscule, deliberately broken fragments of Truth" that has enabled this world-class liar to deceive tens of millions of people.
Even so, it is possible to immunize oneself against charlatans like Trump.
However, prophylaxis requires time, energy and dedication.
Here are several essays I wrote that can help people escape Trump's Epistemological Trap.

How Do We Know What We Think We Know? "Sound Thinking Is An Acquired Skill, Seldom Possessed By Trump Followers"

Wishing you all good things,

On Tue, Jun 28, 2022 at 11:19 AM Elaine Kolodziej <> wrote:

Perhaps some prejudice on your part as many people testify to his generosity?

Sorry! :)/ek


Elaine Kolodziej

WILSON COUNTY NEWS 1012 C Street/Floresville, TX 78114 • 830-216-4519
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LA VERNIA NEWS 830-779-3751
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C STREET GIFT SHOP 1012 C Street/Floresville, TX 78114 • 830-216-4519
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On 2022-06-28 09:19, Alan Archibald wrote:

Dear Elaine,
Thanks for reminding me of the gifts of the spirit.
I am convinced in my heart, soul, mind, body and intuition that Donald Trump does not embody a single one of these gifts.
Not one.
Not even slightly.
Am I missing something?
I hope you're having a great day in The Lone Star State!

On Mon, Jun 27, 2022 at 7:41 AM Elaine Kolodziej <> wrote:

Charity, joy, peace, patience,kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness,faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity. "Live them! Pick one each day to practice intentionally." -- Sister Helen Novy (THX, Victoria)

Elaine K. (Ttab)

GoWilson your community app!

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