Friday, May 27, 2022

Asking A Christian Fundamentalist Friend If "People Who Only Want To Do Good" Can Always Determine What Good Is...

Gun Violence: "If Ever More Guns Make America Safer, Why Are We Not Already The Safest Country In The World?" N.B. At The Pearly Gates, St. Peter Will Ask This Question To Everyone. Your Answer Will Be A Litmus For Admission

Dear Karen,

Do people who only want to do good always do good?

Can those who only want to do good always know what "good" is?

Can the conviction that one "only wants to do good" be an excuse for doing what one wants, assuming that one's own will is totally aligned with the will of God, when often one's views are ill-informed, or sound bites taken to heart in middle school?

I myself harbor no such certainty of personal alignment with God's will. 

I do take my "best shot" in light of what I believe, but I do not pretend to know God's will.

Truth be told, I just don't know.


Two prostitutes - Tamar and Rahab - were direct ancestors of Jesus

We do not know, Karen.

We believe.

But when we start to bluster about "absolute certainty" and "absolute belief", the chances are overwhelming that we are trying to assure ourselves that we cannot possibly be wrong. That we cannot possibly be lost at sea. That our personal salvation is ABSOLUTELY assured.

But, really, what do we know? (... as distinct from believe...)

The twelve apostles themselves didn't "get it" - not even after 3 year, living, eating, traveling, drinking and sleeping with Jesus. Eyewitnesses who always got the inside scoop."

And suddenly, y'all are absolutely certain that Donald Trump deserves a mulligan, and that the alleged reality of widespread electoral fraud is God's Truth. 

Notably, nobody in Trump's camp ever provided ANY persuasive evidence of significant electoral fraud, not even the pillow guy despite his endless torrent of assurances that he would. 

Then there's this...

Wherever you reside on the political spectrum, the following article will prove to YOUR satisfaction that the Republican Party's allegations of widespread voter fraud are themselves fraudulent, and that proof of GOP fraud was generated by Trump's very own Voting Fraud Commission.
"Kansas Politician Kris Kobach Is Emblematic Of The BS Nonsense That Has Become The Bogus Essence Of The Republican Party"

What if...

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