Saturday, January 29, 2022

Email Exchange With My Self-Professed Christian Evangelical Friend, Karen K


Dear Karen,

Neither I (nor my fellows) delight in the prospect of you (and your fellows) going to hell.

No one - not even God "himself" (or at least not the God I worship) - takes pleasure (or even finds justice) in the prospect of people roasting for interminable eternity. (After all, every human crime is finite with finite consequences. And infinite punishment for a finite crime is lunatic.)

We see this inequity for what it is - torturous cruelty.

When you pretend to reach out "in love", while simultaneously threatening people with perpetual immersion in the Lake of Unquenchable Fire, that behavior leave the door wide open to quintessential cruelty.

Also, next time I send you an email, try reading some of what I've written.

Oh, I forgot...

Reading what I've written would disobey St. Paul by exposing you to "the wisdom of the world which is folly before God."

Fact is, no one represents "the wisdom of the world" better than Malignant Messiah - and Agent Orange himself is the epitomization of "folly before God."

No matter what Karen, hunker down inside your "confirmation bias bubble" so that you don't learn anything.

"There is no fear in love. 
But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. 
The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love, Karen.

No fear.

Yet you are scared sh*tless.

Scared that your salvation - or your loved ones' salvation - is not ABSOLUTELY assured.

Scared that your faith will crumble if you let Reality in.

And so you cling to articles of faith while doing what is in your power
to keep Love - openhearted and openhanded - at bay.

At a safe distance.

You need "the damned" to insure your salvation. 

You need the damned to be your scapegoat.

The realization that "Love covers a multitude of sins" is simply unacceptable to you.

The kind of Love in which fear does not exist - and cannot exist - terrifies you.

You would rather cling to your need to exact punishment than immerse yourself in the actual mystery and living magnificence of God. 

In your view, somebody has to burn in order to maximize the likelihood that you will be saved.

They are "the bad guys".

Provably terrible people.

And in comparison, you are a paragon of virtue.


Love for Enemies



Wishing you all good things,

Your friend, Alan - "a demon-possessed hater of humans"


On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 4:43 PM Karen Kolbinsky <> wrote:

Really? but somehow we were labeled every evil name under the sun and you agreed?
I am sorry you were lost in whatever it is you believe was worth choosing to dismiss those who
were there doing our best just however we can to  reach out in love.
so sorry you missed that
It is for sure how not only families but whole nations are brought down in this world. 
I hope you will choose the better way out

On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 2:46 PM Alan Archibald <> wrote:
Dear Karen

I watched some of the video you sent. 

But the narrator lost me when he referred to me and my loved ones as "demonic-possessed haters of humans."

C'mon Karen, I know you're a cultist and that you've surrendered your ability to think with "utmost scrutiny."

But you and I know that -- despite my many shortcomings -- I am not "a demonic-possessed hater of humans."

If you do think that, then go your own way.

I want nothing to do with this frame of mind except to observe it, and to study it, and to keep myself up to date on what's going on in The National Lunacy.

During my 1950s' childhood, any weirdo-relative living in an in-law apartment would have become a candidate for "insane asylum committal" as soon as s/he started spewing the kind of lunatic ideation that consumes Trump Cult, a coven of crazies who subscribe to QAnon, a new secular religion with its own messiah (i.e., Donald Trump) and its own resurrection (i.e., John Kennedy Jr. is not dead). 
And that's just the beginning.

Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton are members of a vast Hollywood (and Democratic Party) cabal that operates a massive sex slave trade which also kills children, cannibalizing them in Satanic blood rituals.

If you've got the stomach, you can learn more about this epochal normalization-of-insanity at:  
"The New (Ab)Normal: Flood Every Media Platform With A Fire Hose Of Falsehood... And The Need For A New Journalistic Method"

Y'all are waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to eager to damn people to hell.

I'm convinced that you damn others to hell in a perverse attempt to "prove" your own salvation.

Here's how my Jesuit friend Tom Weston puts it:


You say: "We descend from ancestors who'd been told if they didn't bow to kings and popes they'd die."

Throughout my adult lifetime, there has not been a single pope who told me I would die if I didn't bow down.

Not one.

But Trump - and his Cult - continually tell you that if you don't bow down to Malignant Messiah, Western Civilization will die .

It's way beyond nuts, Karen.

Sure, I'm not perfect, nor is the church that I call my home.

But you (and your fellows) cannot live without the shakey pretense of an absolutely unshakeable belief in perfection.

"There is no fear in love. 
But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. 
The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love, Karen.
No fear.
In fact, to the extent that you are fearful, Karen, you are not "in love". 
And the fact of being fearful -- and therefore not in love -- might at least make you humble enough to realize that you do not "know it all", 
no matter how often - and how hard - you bang your bible.
Ironically, to the extent that you bang the bible, you reveal that you do not know it all.


"Is Perfectionism A Curse? Paul Ryan Tells The Truth"

"Are Highly Religious People Less Compassionate?"

"Love Covers A Multitude Of Sins"

Only love covers our sins.
Condemnation contributes to them.
Don't think that finger-wagging at the bad guys is going to get you into heaven.
It's more likely that "With the measure you mete out, it will meted unto you."

It Is Important To Know These Things So Religion Doesn't Do You More Harm Than Good

What Too Many Christians Get Wrong

Jesus: Festive Tippler And Friend Of Whores, Publicans, Tax Collectors And Sundry Sinners

How "the plank" got there.
(An inside job!)

"Any Religion That Needs Fear To Thrive Is Bad Religion"

Whatever you do, DO NOT pay close attention to what I say.

Remain sealed in your confirmation bias bubble where everything seems safe and certain.


Your friend,

Alan (who does not believe you, I - or anyone else - will roast in Hell forever).

On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 1:43 PM Karen Kolbinsky <> wrote:

so if you do all the way through to the end can you please tell me how you can possibly not agree?
I hope you will watch and pray.
Just like we do every day. 
We have a brain and aren't puppets  on a string being controlled by whoever pulls the strings.
We descend from ancestors who'd been told if they didn't bow to kings and popes they'd die. 
We know who we are as American patriots and we refuse to bow a knee to tyranny. 
The love of money is indeed the root of all evil.
Take time to listen to the good men and women who are willing to lose their jobs and lay down their very lives to free
us from a stronghold of evil men and women who want only to enslave us all..
I don't care about names like Trump or any other.
Why do some choose to hide under an "anonymous" label for so many years? 
to save our nation? 
Why do some people love people more than they long for power to rule over us? 
I know it's true. 
Watch Braveheart.  then watch the follow up of what happened to Robert the Bruce. 
History repeats itself. 
Maybe at least a few or my 20th great grandpa's many hundreds of thousands of "grandchildren" are right now
learning a lesson from him who had learned such a hard way himself.
Maybe you will too..
The love of money the root of all evil?
oh yes!! 
What kind of men or women kill their own children to save themselves or promote their own political agenda?
Are you actually taking time to think for yourself? 
Is it all about race? personal prejudice? 
Just think about it before you answer. 
Who do we believe in the end?
Is there a difference between a puppet show? a cartoon ? a Broadway play? 
Are any of us really for real? 
what does that mean? 
Truth? JUSTICE? Reality? 
Does any of this matter?
if so why should it? 
Think about it..

Dear Karen

I watched some of the video you sent. 

But the narrator lost me when he referred to me and my loved ones as "demonic-possessed haters of humans."

C'mon Karen, I know you're a cultist and that you've surrendered your ability to think with "utmost scrutiny."

But you and I know that -- despite my many shortcomings -- I am not "a demonic-possessed hater of humans."

If you do think that, then go your own way.

I want nothing to do with this frame of mind except to observe it, and to study it, and to keep myself up to date on what's going on in The National Lunacy.

During my 1950s' childhood, any weirdo-relative living in an in-law apartment would have become a candidate for "insane asylum committal" as soon as s/he started spewing the kind of lunatic ideation that consumes Trump Cult, a coven of crazies who subscribe to QAnon, a new secular religion with its own messiah (i.e., Donald Trump) and its own resurrection (i.e., John Kennedy Jr. is not dead). 
And that's just the beginning.

Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton are members of a vast Hollywood (and Democratic Party) cabal that operates a massive sex slave trade which also kills children, cannibalizing them in Satanic blood rituals.

If you've got the stomach, you can learn more about this epochal normalization-of-insanity at:  
"The New (Ab)Normal: Flood Every Media Platform With A Fire Hose Of Falsehood... And The Need For A New Journalistic Method"

Y'all are waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to eager to damn people to hell.

I'm convinced that you damn others to hell in a perverse attempt to "prove" your own salvation.

Here's how my Jesuit friend Tom Weston puts it:


You say: "We descend from ancestors who'd been told if they didn't bow to kings and popes they'd die."

Throughout my adult lifetime, there has not been a single pope who told me I would die if I didn't bow down.

Not one.

But Trump - and his Cult - continually tell you that if you don't bow down to Malignant Messiah, Western Civilization will die .

It's way beyond nuts, Karen.

Sure, I'm not perfect, nor is the church that I call my home.

But you (and your fellows) cannot live without the shakey pretense of an absolutely unshakeable belief in perfection.

"There is no fear in love. 
But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. 
The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love, Karen.
No fear.
In fact, to the extent that you are fearful, Karen, you are not "in love". 
And the fact of being fearful -- and therefore not in love -- might at least make you humble enough to realize that you do not "know it all", 
no matter how often - and how hard - you bang your bible.
Ironically, to the extent that you bang the bible, you reveal that you do not know it all.


"Is Perfectionism A Curse? Paul Ryan Tells The Truth"

"Are Highly Religious People Less Compassionate?"

"Love Covers A Multitude Of Sins"

Only love covers our sins.
Condemnation contributes to them.
Don't think that finger-wagging at the bad guys is going to get you into heaven.
It's more likely that "With the measure you mete out, it will meted unto you."

It Is Important To Know These Things So Religion Doesn't Do You More Harm Than Good

What Too Many Christians Get Wrong

Jesus: Festive Tippler And Friend Of Whores, Publicans, Tax Collectors And Sundry Sinners

How "the plank" got there.
(An inside job!)

"Any Religion That Needs Fear To Thrive Is Bad Religion"

Whatever you do, DO NOT pay close attention to what I say.

Remain sealed in your confirmation bias bubble where everything seems safe and certain.


Your friend,

Alan (who does not believe you, I - or anyone else - will roast in Hell forever).

On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 1:43 PM Karen Kolbinsky <> wrote:

so if you do all the way through to the end can you please tell me how you can possibly not agree?
I hope you will watch and pray.
Just like we do every day. 
We have a brain and aren't puppets  on a string being controlled by whoever pulls the strings.
We descend from ancestors who'd been told if they didn't bow to kings and popes they'd die. 
We know who we are as American patriots and we refuse to bow a knee to tyranny. 
The love of money is indeed the root of all evil.
Take time to listen to the good men and women who are willing to lose their jobs and lay down their very lives to free
us from a stronghold of evil men and women who want only to enslave us all..
I don't care about names like Trump or any other.
Why do some choose to hide under an "anonymous" label for so many years? 
to save our nation? 
Why do some people love people more than they long for power to rule over us? 
I know it's true. 
Watch Braveheart.  then watch the follow up of what happened to Robert the Bruce. 
History repeats itself. 
Maybe at least a few or my 20th great grandpa's many hundreds of thousands of "grandchildren" are right now
learning a lesson from him who had learned such a hard way himself.
Maybe you will too..
The love of money the root of all evil?
oh yes!! 
What kind of men or women kill their own children to save themselves or promote their own political agenda?
Are you actually taking time to think for yourself? 
Is it all about race? personal prejudice? 
Just think about it before you answer. 
Who do we believe in the end?
Is there a difference between a puppet show? a cartoon ? a Broadway play? 
Are any of us really for real? 
what does that mean? 
Truth? JUSTICE? Reality? 
Does any of this matter?
if so why should it? 
Think about it..


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