Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A Note Of Gratitude To Physician Friend Ed Myer M.D. Who Sent Me A Copy Of The Article "If God Is Love, Why Do You Hate? Recognizing The Dark Side Of White Christian Nationalism"


Dear Ed,

Thanks for sharing this article with me.

Here's how I've "turned it around" with this just concluded blog post.

If God Is Love, Why Do You Hate? Recognizing The Dark Side Of White Christian Nationalism

Among several memes I have included in this morning's post is this remarkable insight by Carl Sagan. 


Sagan's observation (above) reveals how the "Christian" "conservative" Trump cultists who need his message most -- largely people who are too stupid (or too ignorant) to know they're stupid -- are sooooo hermetically sealed that "all" of them will be opaque to its meaning.

I will close with another of Sagan's keen insights, from his 1995 book, "The Demon Haunted World: Science As A Candle In The Dark."


Pax et amor


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