Monday, April 17, 2023

What Do "Relative Pronouns" Have To Do With The Fundamental Moral-And-Cultural Putrescence of "Normalized Reification?"


Since the good Mercy Sisters taught me grammar at St. Thomas the Apostle grammar school in Irondequoit, New York - waaayyyyy back in the fifties -- it has been my firm understanding that the relative pronoun "that" should ONLY be used with things, as in "the gun that was used in America's umpteenth mass murder was not that gun found at Mar-a-Lago."
Similarly it is always necessary to use the relative pronoun "who" to refer to people, as in "Donald Trump and his cultists are disproportionately responsible for the ongoing horror of mass murders."
The reason why this distinction is crucial is because, whenever we use the relative pronoun "that" to refer to people, we commit the bedrock moral error of objectifying people which diminishes their humanity by turningt them into objects, no matter how slight this ongoing linguistic assault may be in any single instance.
Cumulatively, referring to people with the objectifying relative pronoun "that" is part of the whole modern and post-modern matrix that has left the world start-raving mad, and often eager to redefine "other" human beings as less than human.

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