Saturday, February 11, 2023

"Fascism And Mussolini" - Another Fine Video From Khan Academy. (Why Do Mussolini And Trump Look Like Twins Separated At Birth?)




  • Alan Archibald
    In troubled times, people turn to heavy-handed authoritarians.
    May be a cartoon of 2 people and text that says 'imgflip com Mussolini- Trump'
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    • 8m
  • Alan Archibald
    Fascism has a short "shelf-life" and never ends well.
    May be a cartoon of 2 people and text that says 'Trump Mussolini'
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    • 7m
    • Edited
  • Alan Archibald
    Remember: In any large population, half the people have double digit intelligence, which is to say an IQ below 100.
    May be a cartoon of 2 people and text
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    • 3m
  • Alan Archibald
    Remember John Stuart Mills' observation: "While it not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives."

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