Wednesday, October 19, 2022

"The Real Anthony Fauci": How A Christian Fundamentalist Friend Uses Shards Of Truth To Tell Gargantuan Lies

Unless Truth Is Richly Contextualized, It Is Likely That Uneducated, Ideologically-Driven People (Who Never Learned How To Think In Context), Will Use Fragmented Shards Of Truths To Tell Colossal Lies

How Conservatives Use Decontextualized Shards Of Truth To Tell BIG Lies 

Trump Lies Shamelessly, Compulsively, Continuously... And His Followers Suck The Sludge

"It Has Come To This. How Do We Tell The Truth To 40% Of Americans?"

Dear Karen

Robert Kennedy begins his video clip promotion of "The Real Anthony Fauci" by identifying himself as a "life-long Democrat" and decades-long defender of the environment.

No, Karen, the Fauci movie has not been banned. 

Rather, "The Real Anthony Fauci" is behind a pay wall. 

If you really want to get "the full scoop," here is how to purchase Kennedy's book on which "The Real Anthony Fauci" movie is based.

Don't worry, my paranoid friend. 

If the movie had been banned from social media, Bobby Kennedy himself would be shouting "Censorship!" from the rooftop. 

But Bobby is not shouting "censorship!' because his movie has not been censored. 

You may also be interested in the following clip of Kennedy describing the predominance of "right wing media."  In this 21 minute talk, Bobby says that "80% of Republicans are Democrats who just don't know what's going on because the bad right-wing guys who control the media own the bullhorn."

Admittedly, Bobby has "a bone in his nose" about Big Pharma.

And he should! 

I have a bone in MY nose about Big Pharma.

But note well: The evils of Big Pharma are not a "left-wing plot."


In fact, the original attack on Big Pharma (and, by extension, on the essence of unregulated Cowboy Capitalism) was launched -- and is sustained to this day -- by life-long Democratic physician, Marcia Angell, the first woman to serve as chief editor of The New England Journal Of Medicine. 

Marcia Angell, M.D., First Woman Editor Of The New England Journal Of Medicine: "Big Pharma, Bad Medicine"

And finally (for now) check out the first 15 minutes of this Robert Kennedy Jr. interview in which he flatly asserts that he is not anti-vaccine, and in which he calls Trump's presidency "cataclysmic."

I urge you and David to watch these video clips together to see how you react - in one another's presence - to this man you represent as a hero.

Then, you can move on to this set of links:

The evils of Big Pharma are not a left wing plot, but a "Big Capitalism" plot. We leftists have been trying to enlighten right-wingers ever since the Military-Industrial Complex's neverending ruses, most recently orchestrate in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

"Why We Fight"
Documentary Study Of The Military Industrial Complex

Eisenhower Reveals THE DEEP STATE: Ike's Farewell Address Televised From The Oval Office Sounds The Alarm That The "Military-Industrial Complex" Comprises The Greatest Threat To American Democracy By Making Us A Murderous Corporatocracy  

Check Out What Military Hard-Nose General Douglas MacArthur Had To Say About "Keeping Us In A Perpetual State Of Fear"

"Do Wars Really Defend America's Freedom?" (Homage To Marine Commandant, Major General Smedley Butler)

As Robert Kennedy Jr. said (and I have included the videotape for you): "80% of Republicans are Democrats who just don't know what's going on because bad right-wing guys who control the media own the bullhorn." 

Robert F. Kenney Jr: "A Compelling Talk About Our Environmental Infrastructure"
In my view, this is the most incisive of all Robert Kennedy Jr's talks.

Again, "80% of Republicans are Democrats who just don't know what's going on because bad right-wing guys who control the media own the bullhorn."

More Robert Kennedy Jr. videos:

Stop trying to persuade yourself that you "know it all" -- and that everyone who is not a "Christian" "conservative" lickspittle, genuflecting at QAnon's altar, is part of a demonic, ungodly plot. 

In fact, it takes everyone - with all of us contributing our level best - to flesh out Truth in its fullness.

Even if you are on God's side, there is no guarantee - NONE whatsoever - that you know what goes on in God's heart, mind and will.

To believe otherwise is to flirt perilously with hubris.

"QAnon Anon"

Nicholas Kristof Reports From His Family Farm In Oregon About The Deadly Corrosive Effect Of Conspiracism, Specifically As It Relates To False Antifa Arson Reports

Bill Maher Cuts To The Quick Of Birtherism/Conspiracism As An Infinite Regress "House Of Mirrors"



PS You will find a thorough MSM reference to "The Real Anthony Fauci" at

On Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 8:12 AM Karen K wrote to Alan Archibald:

Why has this movie been banned by Social Media? the MSM? Watch and pray and think for yourselves while it's still available to anyone able.

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