Saturday, July 9, 2022

Growing Okra And The Varieties Of Religious Experience, Featuring Robert Pirsig's "Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance"

 Thomas Merton: Our job is to love others – When did you last feel ...

Image result for pax on both houses, quintessential free lunch

Image result for robert pirsig quotes

I read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" while studying at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in 1976-77.

Just now, stumbling on Pirsig brings Cynthia Quick to mind. 
At this very moment, Sintia is focused on making okra grow.
And she doesn't even like okra.

At all.

Henry James was Rev. J. Edgar Bruns' favorite author.

James' son, William James -- the groundbreaking psychologist, and author of "Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study In Human Nature" -- had this to say of a soul-shaking experience that haunts me every time I think of it.

Freely accessible PDF of "Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study In Human Nature"

And here is a remarkable account of the James' Family, perhaps the nation's greatest family.
Scroll down to Curtis W. Hart.

Dear F

Most people would rather die than think.

Unsurprisingly, most people are not just indifferent to truth, but hostile to it.

Truth is just too damn unsettling.

Pull up the quilt.

Give me the remote.



Caribou, at Masia Can Parès, in the hills above Sitges, Catalonia, June, 2019
Caribou turns 25 on August 13.
I turn 75 one week later, August 20.

The Bonus Round

"It’s Time to Stop Living The American Scam," by Tim Kreider, Guest Columnist for The New York Times

On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 5:40 PM FV wrote:

I've been saying this all along.
Jim is guilty of this too.
Sleepy Joe etc.
Not only is the medium the message, the messenger is the message.
For some reason people either do not listen or don't hear when Joe speaks.

I've heard the anger, the forcefulness of his deriding a host of issues he is accused of not addressing.
He's not a showman and maybe that's the difference. It's not the message it's the performance.
That's what people want and expect unfortunately. Rather shallow .


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