Monday, July 4, 2022

Germany In The Thirties... Here Is A Message I Just Sent To Nancy Who Is Currently In Umbria


The U.S. Supreme Court Is No Longer An Honorable Institution. Its 6 Person Conservative Majority Is More Closely Affiliated With Theocratic Impulses Than Democratic Ones. And "Christian" "Conservatives" (Who Are Neither) Love It!


Dear Tig, 

I'm always open for a miracle. 

But I think the jig is up for American democracy. 

And even though I know you love San Francisco and your community there, I STRONGLY encourage you to investigate "living arrangements" in Umbria. 

At minimum, you could find a way to use a trustworthy agency to rent your condo as an Air B&B (or whatever they call these rental arrangements) for 4-6 months a year, then have a professional cleaning company make your space sparkle upon your return -- let's say after 4-6 months in (or near) Montone with the Vestrellis as your anchor in the local community.

You could even make money "on the deal." 

While in Oaxaca this last winter, I spent a day with a Swede who rents her home using such carefully controlled pre-screening techniques that she knows her "renters" so well in advance that she knows she's getting good, trustworthy people. 

Or, perhaps you can rent to family members - or to family members of friends. 

Although it's still hyperbole for me to make the following statement, it's starting to feel so much like Germany in the thirties that I must advise my "fellow Jews" to flee while they still can. 

I know that we humans do not like to be unsettled, and that you may be even more reluctant to be unsettled than most. 

But I am not talking about making a DECISION. 

Rather, I am suggesting that you sit down with people -- Sandro and Paula, local real estate agents, friends of the Vestrellis who have rental properties -- in order to "get information." 

And, as is increasingly clear to me, once we embark actual sit-down conversations - perhaps lubricated by a bottle of wine - "material" comes up that is 1.) surprising, 2.) informative/illuminating, 3.) useful, and furthermore, this cornucopia of information "bubbles up" in completely unexpected ways. 

Please conduct these conversations without pre-cutting your wings. 

If nothing else, such charlas will be memorable, happy occasions.

Plus, your Umbrian friends would love to have these conversations with you. 

Also remember that your friends -- including me -- would welcome opportunity to visit while you're wintering over in paraiso. (You would probably see more of them, more often, than you do living in San Francisco.)




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