Saturday, June 11, 2022

A Letter To My Children: "Who Cares?" (I Wish Someone Had Told Me This When I Was 20. What Do Play and Playfulness Have To Do With Anything? Everything.)


Of course, I am thinking about you.

But I only want you to be true to yourself.


And remember...


D(addy) man




50 Inspirational Quotes About Play


I don't know if Einstein said this, but if he didn't, he should have.

Here are some things Einstein did say using the word "play."

  • If A is success in life, then A = x + y + z. Work is x, play is y and z is keeping your mouth shut.
    • Said to Samuel J Woolf, Berlin, Summer 1929. Cited with additional notes in The Ultimate Quotable Einstein by Alice Calaprice and Freeman Dyson, Princeton UP (2010) p 230
    • The meaning of relativity has been widely misunderstood. Philosophers play with the word, like a child with a doll. Relativity, as I see it, merely denotes that certain physical and mechanical facts, which have been regarded as positive and permanent, are relative with regard to certain other facts in the sphere of physics and mechanics. It does not mean that everything in life is relative and that we have the right to turn the whole world mischievously topsy-turvy.
    • Combinatory play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought — before there is any connection with logical construction in words or other kinds of signs which can be communicated to others.
      • Ideas and Opinions (1954), pp. 25–26
    • You must warn people not to make the intellect their God. The intellect knows methods but it seldom knows values, and they come from feeling. If one doesn't play a part in the creative whole, he is not worth being called human. He has betrayed his true purpose.

The Bonus Round

Einstein shared his thoughts about God with a girl named Phylis who wrote him a letter (in 1936) asking if he prayed.


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